Scam Alert
Its time to be alert to scams.
We sometimes get reports that our customers are being targeted by several online scams in the form of text messages, websites, emails and Facebook or Instagram ads.
March 2025
A customer has recently clicked on a Instagram link which turned into a scam. She was asked to enter her personal details and then enter credit card details to pay a $3.50 fee to get a $750 voucher. From time to time Four Square will offer prizes and incentives to participate in research, but we will NEVER ask a customer to pay to receive a prize.
April 2024
Some customers are receiving fake texts or social media messages asking them to complete a survey, following which they are able to ‘claim a great prize in exchange only for a postage fee’. These messages are scams, and any customer providing credit card details to scammers is likely to find themselves out of pocket. Any customer getting a message like this should immediately delete the text or email. From time to time Four Square will offer prizes and incentives to participate in research, but we will NEVER ask a customer to pay to receive a prize. Always check out our website for scam updates!
Scam Update: May 2020
There is a scam on the website claiming that seniors get a 5% discount at Four Square stores. This is not true.